Wednesday, September 21, 2022

2nd ectopic and miscarriage

 Since the last time I wrote in this blog I had another ectopic pregnancy and now a miscarriage. I'm going in in a couple hours for a D&C (surgery) to clean out my uterus since I haven't yet miscarried on my own. It has been a very long week just waiting for it to happen. That's why I decided on the D&C so I wouldn't have to wait any longer. It's been consuming me. I found out a week ago yesterday that there was no heartbeat. I held on to it for a couple days hoping that the ultrasound was wrong, that they just missed it and everything would be okay. But it wasn't. It isn't. 

I was encouraged this time because we made it over the hurdle of getting the pregnancy in the uterus. But something still went wrong. I wonder if I'll ever be able to have another child and question how badly I really want one. A counselor thinks maybe I don't want any more because I may not be able to have one and it's my way of coping. Maybe in part, but I've questioned if i want another one for several years. I just decided I was getting older and I didn't want to regret not at least trying for another child. I think if I just never would've gotten pregnant again I could go on knowing I tried and give it up much easier. Having been pregnant now 3 more times and experiencing the roller coaster of emotions there are times when all I can think about is another child and I want nothing more than to have a healthy child. 

Very anxious, but good. Tools to cope with anxiety

 Lately I've been extremely anxious, but still doing good. I'm more anxious than I've ever been in my life, but doing as good as...