Thursday, February 4, 2021

Daily Check-in/ Mood scale


    Since I have bipolar disorder this is a scale I made in order for me to be able to distinguish where I

might be in terms of mania and depression at any given moment.  One is the most depressed I've ever

been, ten is the most manic I've ever been, five is stable. Therefore, three is moderate depression and

eight is likely hypo-mania (not quite manic, but higher than stable.)  It is a good guide for me to be able

to check in with myself and know if I'm approaching a danger zone.  I am able to share this with my

providers, family and friends for them to be able to easily identify where I'm at as well, especially if I

don't recognize these symptoms in myself.  It is easy to be in denial.

    While you may not have bipolar disorder, a scale of this type could be created for whatever condition

you or a loved one may have.  For instance, you could make a scale of your anxiety levels or simply just

depression levels as well.  If this looks overwhelming, it doesn't have to be this detailed.  The scale I

originally created with my counselor when I wasn't in a stable place was much simpler and less

detailed.  It is attached below.

Very anxious, but good. Tools to cope with anxiety

 Lately I've been extremely anxious, but still doing good. I'm more anxious than I've ever been in my life, but doing as good as...